Through the generosity of The Dayton Foundation and The Miami County Foundation, Senior Resource Connection’s Meals on Wheels program was able to purchase two new Food Warmers. These are used to keep the food hot
The Iddings Foundation recently awarded a grant to Senior Resource Connection to support their nutrition programs including Meals on Wheels and Congregate Dining. Senior Resource Connection serves nine counties
Meals on Wheels in Dayton bring meals and a little comfort for senior citizens. During excessive heat, the volunteers make sure seniors like Sally Jackson are staying cool. “I appreciate it every day. Thank God
The Dayton Meals on Wheels program delivers 4,000 meals a day to people in 11 counties. Meals on Wheels has 60 drivers, including Bobby Jones, who’s been delivering meals for three years. “Sometimes, I may
Here is an example of how our different departments collaborate to find the optimal care solutions for our clients. During the month of February, the Community Geriatric Nurse Program (CGN) had the opportunity to work
If you shop at and want to help seniors in the Miami Valley Area you can link your account to Senior Resource Connection through their Amazon Smiles program. Amazon will donate a portion of your purchases