Senior Resource Connection’s Nutrition Program delivers hot or frozen meals on a daily basis to eligible elderly and disabled adults in nine counties throughout the Miami Valley. Food is individually packed in microwavable trays and delivered to each clients home along with fruit, bread and milk to ensure each meal is nutritionally balanced.
More than a meal, our trained drivers provide a friendly and daily personal contact that improves our client’s and their family’s sense of well-being. If no one answers when meals are delivered, our friendly staff will call the clients home and/or emergency contact to ensure the client is safe. It is definitely reassuring to know that someone will check on a loved one daily, when you are unable.
Who can get Meals-On-Wheels?
Generally, a person who is 60 years of age or older and unable to prepare their own meals on a regular basis, due to physical or neurological impairments. This program also addresses the nutritional needs of individuals under 60 who live in Montgomery County and meet the above criteria.
What are the meals like?
Hot nutritious and delicious delivered right to your door. All Senior Resource Connection meals provide at least one third of your daily required nutrients and include milk, fruit and bread. Special diet/therapeutic meals are available and include low salt, low sugar, low fat, mechanical, and renal.
Who pays for the Meals-On-Wheels?
Meals-On-Wheels is funded from a variety of sources some of which include: the Area Agency on Aging Title III, United Way, and is a passport provider in all counties noted. The program also works with levy funding programs in all counties in their service area. The Meals-on-wheels program accepts contribution’s and fee for service.
What is the Menu Like?
We follow a nutritionally balanced menu that rotates every 9 weeks.